Black Friday Sales Email Templates

only available until september 13th, 2024

Instead of staring at the screen trying to think of what to put in your emails to promote your sales, worrying you're going to be too salesy or not say the right thing, let me help you with some templates that you can feel confident in using to sell your offers during Black Friday (and other offers in the future).

**these will be delivered via email AFTER the Black Friday Masterclass

What People Are Saying:

Your enthusiasm and authenticity are two reasons I adore you! Instagram Growth Lab consistently teaches me tools and steps I can take to grow my business and put myself out in the world. After every training, I immediately action something and with every action, I get more and more comfortable! Thanks for making it fun and easy to understand. I am thrilled to be in IG Growth Lab. It's so affordable and one of the best investments that I have made for my business!

Dianne Reichenbach

Feeling very confident to sell in my stories after taking your course!

Adrianna Reid

Your mastermind tonight about how to more effectively use IG was inspiring and practical. I took a page of notes and will be implementing the ideas straight away

Debbi Sluys

I've spent hours (months) in education classes that are all talk/philosophy and nothing practical. This felt practical

Megan Zambell

I hit 700 followers on Insta! I only had about 100 when I joined IGL [Instagram Growth Lab] almost 3 months ago!

Kristen Del Bene-Stevens

$37.00 USD

All purchases are final. If you have any questions that will help you make your decision, feel free to email me, [email protected]!

ORDER ADD-ON: Instagram Profile Audit

$50 USD

Your Instagram profile is your living business card and your storefront.

You want someone to land on your profile and be able to tell who you work with, what you offer, and how they can start learning from you for free.

This profile audit will give you all the details you need to update and optimize your Instagram profile because an optimized profile not only attracts your ideal clients - it turns them into interested and intrigued followers and  potential paying clients.

You'll send me a screenshot of your profile and I'll make a detailed video walking you through each part of your profile with suggestions and guidance on how exactly to supercharge your profile ASAP.